In the study, Ryan poured a glass of wine for Justin, but the latter refused. "I didn't bring my driver today, so I'll have to drive. I won't drink."

"I didn't expect you two to come over tonight."

Ryan drank the glass of wine himself, then put it down. His tall figure leaned against the desk lazily as he casually fished out a cigarette and lit it.

He inhaled deeply, almost greedily, as if he wanted his organs to be surrounded by smoke.

"Are you in a bad mood?" Justin slightly narrowed his eyes.

"I'm okay."

"You told me Carrie doesn't like the scent of cigarettes, so you've cut down on smoking for her. Yet this ashtray looks like a graveyard. It's probably twice as much as before."

Justin immediately activated his protective mode and said sternly, "Do you want my sister to hug a chimney to sleep every day? Do you still want a kid like this? Don't you know you need to quit smoking and drinking if you want children?"

Ryan listened to his advice and immediately threw the cigarette on the floor, extinguishing it under his shoe. "Don't you have something to discuss with me?"

"That man. Did you do it?" Justin asked straightforwardly, not one to beat around the bush.

"I've done a lot of stuff. Which one are you talking about?" Ryan's expression was dark, clearly knowing who Justin meant.

Academy. You got someone to kidnap him and stab him

a disdainful snort. "Oh, this? Yeah, I


You are the Hoffman Group's CEO, not a gang leader. Your every move is under scrutiny by the company and the public. You're not alone, either. You have Carrie now.

far? Fuck, I think I've shown that brat enough mercy. I

for that bastard using Carrie as a shield and pushing her to that lunatic, Carrie wouldn't have been taken hostage! She's been having nightmares every

buzzed. Ian sent

pressed on the message, his eyes

student didn't

just sent me a message. That student

expression stiffened, and he then smiled coldly. "He deserved

He shook his head helplessly and angrily. "If Carrie knew this is how you sought justice for her, she might

won't let

surging beneath his eyes and overflowing with mad possessiveness. "Anyone who

it comes to Carrie, you can't stay calm." Justin's tone

by that madman! I almost lost her forever,

heaved violently, as if a beast were suppressed within. "If the person taken hostage was Bella, can you stay calm? You'd only retaliate with a crueler and darker method! Both of us would choose to die for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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