The bone-piercing cold of the morgue was a constant reminder that it was not a world made for the living. Bella and Justin stood in the shadowy doorway, allowing Ryan to see Yasmin for the last time.

Under a snow-white sheet, Yasmin's face was devoid of any color but still radiated a mesmerizing beauty.

She lay peacefully with her eyes closed, her lips curving slightly as if she were having a sweet dream, one that she would never wake up from.

Ryan hung his head solemnly. The chill in the room was an invisible weight that threatened to overwhelm his already-burdened spirit.

His throat tightened as he delicately traced the graceful curve of her lips with trembling fingertips.

He could not understand why she was smiling as she left this world.

She had been shot in the abdomen and had fallen from such a height. Her bones had been shattered. It was unbearable to try to imagine the pain she went through. Most girls feared pain. Was she in pain?

"You know... Your smile is so beautiful. Why didn't I see you smile more often?" Ryan murmured, asking earnestly as if seeking an answer from the person lying still in front of him. "Yasmin, smile for me one more time."

"Stand outside the door again and wait for me to come home."

'Mr. Hoffman'

longer bear to watch any longer. She covered her face with both

chin rested on her head. His dry lips opened and closed, but

footsteps approached

with a sorrowful expression, holding a small box

accept my

Yasmin's belongings that I've organized. Take them with you

his body had

girls usually carried lipstick, face powder,

person-Ryan knew this was not for self-defense but rather to protect him and Carrie. Ryan lowered his swollen eyelids, and

spread through his palm and flooded his lungs with

safe. Yet, it wasn't

sacrificed herself to keep him and

Zoe's subsequent punishment-all

delete all online videos related to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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