Both front left tires of the van simultaneously blew out, causing the vehicle to lose control and crash violently into the left wall with a thunderous bang.

The crash dented the left door and completely wrecked the front of the van. It was a horrific sight.

Having worn seat belts, the two police officers sustained only minor injuries.

However, Zoe, seated in the back, was not as lucky. She hit her head hard. A large bump formed on her head, and the door crushed her left arm, with metal scraping her flesh, causing blood to gush out and her to scream in pain.

"How could the tires blow out suddenly?!"

"That's really strange. Let's check it out!"

As the two officers got out of the van and bent down to inspect the situation, they suddenly felt a sharp pain in their napes and collapsed to the ground.

Instead of being frightened, Zoe looked excitedly at the man in a black trench coat and mask standing before her. "Did my grandfather send you to rescue me?! He must have sent you here, right?!" "Heh, rescue a monster like you?"

his sharp, contrasting eyes. He then let out a mocking laugh. "I'm not someone

blood froze in her veins as she

"W-Who are you?!"


oppressive, his eyes piercing through her fear-stricken, pale face. "I'm the one who enforces God's will and oversees

she had

the ceiling. Someone had stripped

frigid, causing her teeth to chatter and her

Someone... Please


the basement

started tearing off the remaining scraps of her clothes and

heart-wrenching screams echoed

overhead. Her face was bruised and battered, but she could only endure

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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