Drew's pupils contracted in shock for a split second. Then his battle-hardened mind immediately steadied.

On the other hand, lan, the driver, was almost scared out of his wits. He screamed, "Oh my God!"

Justin's eyes grew cold, and he held Bella tightly while cupping the back of her head, burying her small face in his chest.

"Bella, don't look."

He did not want Bella to get scared, as he feared it would worsen her condition.

However, the man did not know that Bella herself was a fearless demon. She had encountered the most brutal scenes on the battlefield, so nothing could scare her.

At this moment, she was not terrified, but she was curious.

"Damn, do scammers go all out nowadays? He even had such ghost-like makeup on. It's kind of scary."

Drew's eyes were sharp as he opened the car door. "I'll go down and check it out. He'd better be injured. If not, I'll make him!"

man had jumped off the car hood,

area with few passersby. But this weird man still attracted people's attention. They all kept a distance, not daring to approach

"Hahaha... Hahaha!"

Then his body stiffened, as if

the edge of the pavement. Blood gushed out endlessly, dying the asphalt

passersby walked up looking terrified,

due to the fever, her nature as a doctor immediately kicked in

were distracted, she got out of the

tightened, and he quickly chased after

examine the man's condition like a professional doctor. Beads of her sweat dripped on the floor, but she

the crowd


the ambulance!" Someone shouted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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