Chapter 2070

"Can you check in on Chairman Hoffman? He's acting like someone broke him."

Justin's heart clutched, and he walked out of the bedroom.

"Give me the address. I'll head there now."

Ryan was alone in the dusky bar when Justin got there. Sitting behind the counter, Ryan downed glasses of hard liquor.

Justin sent Dean to wait outside and made his way to Ryan. He put his hand on Ryan's shoulder.

"That's enough, Ryan. Too much liquor is bad for you. You're about to get married. You should take good care of yourself."

Ryan lifted his chin, his gaunt face swollen with tears. The bloodshot eyes were etched with sadness.

are you crying?" Shocked, Justin looked intently at Ryan. "What happened? Just tell me. We can figure something

"Carrie... Carrie..."

emotionally. "What happened

mother anymore. The doctor said she can't have her own

man, wailed and cried in front of

silence to see Ryan on the verge of a

a slim

sorry to hear

child with Carrie, Ryan, but happiness can

was just blowing hot air before. I don't care whether or not Carrie can give me a child. I love her all

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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