After receiving his IV treatment, Nigel's condition stabilized. He slept peacefully at the hospital for the rest of the afternoon. In the evening, Bella escorted him home.

As Bella and Steven were leaving the villa, they ran into Justin, looking disheveled.

"Bella!" Justin surged forward, pulling her into his arms. "You've worked so hard. I tried to hurry, but I still couldn't help with anything."

"Don't say that. Taking care of Grandpa Nigel is also my responsibility." Bella smiled gently. She reached up to his shoulder to massage it lightly.

"I'll go check on Grandpa." Justin took a step forward, but Bella stopped him. "Grandpa Nigel just fell asleep, so let's not disturb him. He's getting old, and the wedding preparations have exhausted him. Let him rest."

"That's true." Justin sighed, feeling guilty.

"Justin." Bella paused, her expression turned serious. "Let's get in the car. I need to talk to you."

The couple got into her car, with Steven sitting in the driver's seat.

"Today, while I was with Grandpa Nigel at the hospital, I ran into Christopher. He's been admitted there."

Justin's eyes widened as he grabbed her hand tightly, his palm hot and clammy. He remained silent, but his concern was palpable.

"Don't worry, I was just being polite and checked in on him. Nothing happened. As they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained."

why would they place security around the entire hospital ward like a fortress? It's clear he doesn't want anyone to know he's ill. And another thing, Taylor was carrying

orphan! Given

It's used to treat anxiety, induce sleep, and control

so what? He's already wiped out his entire family. There's no one

isn't just any illness. I happened to notice his arm was covered in a grid of needle marks. I have reason to suspect that Christopher

Steven were both

let out a cold laugh. "Christopher was involved in the drug trade back when he was in Sentania, and he got hooked on illegal substances after returning to the country. Would a drug kingpin who has been lurking in the shadows for so many years never touch the stuff himself? If we can gather evidence of his drug

one problem. He's in the hospital now,

can we get evidence of his

no one else would be allowed in. Even

beautiful and cunning, her gaze firm. "Even if we can't get close to him, we can approach his medical

end, everything unfolded

reaction to the drugs he had been taking. In the past, he had experienced similar

failure. He was in and out of emergency treatment all day before he stabilized. The severity of

were to face another crisis and drag the Boss down with him, his fate

Christopher was discussing matters with Taylor in his

the hospital is truly nauseating. When can I

I already asked the doctor. Your sudden attack this time was extremely dangerous. It took a full day of rescue efforts to pull you through." Taylor tried to persuade him. "The doctor said you need to stay in the hospital for at least another week for observation until your condition is fully stabilized.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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