Steven temporarily set aside thoughts of his beloved wife and refocused on work.

"Ever since we left for Botvia, Deputy Chief Hopkins hasn't returned home at all. He's been staying at his workplace, having his subordinates run errands for him. He's practically cut himself off from the world." Bella's almond-shaped eyes grew increasingly somber. "He hasn't visited his wife either?"

"Not once," Steven replied, furrowing his brow in disbelief. "The more I think about it, the stranger it seems."

Bella skillfully twirled a pen in her slender fingers, her gaze unreadable. "It isn't strange. Deputy Chief Hopkins is highly perceptive. He must have realized that he's in a dangerous position. Any reckless move could cost him his life."

Steven was taken aback. "Ms. Bella, you mean..."

"Christopher has probably already made plans to take him out," Bella said, gripping the pen tightly, her knuckles turning white. "It's also possible that he's already made an attempt, and Deputy Chief Hopkins narrowly escaped death. That's why he's now taking such extreme precautions and staying locked inside. There's also no place safer than the police department."

"No matter how ruthless Christopher is, he wouldn't dare send someone there

quickly responded, "Ms. Bella, Deputy Chief Hopkins must stay alive! He's our only lead to bring down Christopher! If Christopher intends to

and resting them under her pointed chin, her

confusion. "But Ms. Bella, wouldn't that just give Christopher

her lips. "If he has a chance, so do I. I trust Justin-no matter how slim the

she finished speaking, Justin's

Have you arrived in Dawnford?" Bella's voice was soft

his tone urgent. "Uncle Matt just called me. He said that ever since

"Is he not my grandpa too? Taking care of him is my duty. Why are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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