Chapter 2128

Taylor froze in fear and immediately made an urgent call to cancel the meeting.

He supported Christopher back to his office and laid him down on the sofa. Christopher's chest heaved, feeling as if his organs were on fire.

His trembling hand touched his burning forehead, and his vision faded in and out.

"Mr. Christopher, please drink some water!"

Taylor knelt on one knee beside him, his eyes red with anxiety as he pressed a glass against Christopher's blood-stained lips. "I've called your doctor, and he's rushing here as fast as possible. Please hold on..."

Christopher raised his hand and slapped the glass away, his voice broken and hoarse. "For many years... Owen has done all the dirty work for me and has always cleaned up the scene, leaving no traces. How could he leave behind evidence? And a video at that!"

"Accidents will happen when he keeps walking on the edge! Although Owen is extremely capable, he's not a god."

gritted his teeth. "Since he's fallen into the hands of the police, we can't keep him alive! I'll do everything

is of high status. Even if he committed a crime, he would be detained in a special

into a

arrived and performed an examination and simple treatment for


the years? Strong ones

"He has taken some...

was also hospitalized recently and increased the dosage to stabilize his condition. The two types

did Chairman Iverson

are damaged. Combined with extreme emotional duress, his stomach produced too much acid and eroded his blood vessels, which led to internal bleeding. However, to understand the specific situation, we need to get Chairman Iverson to the

he waved his hand. "Thank you. You can

left, Christopher took some

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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