Chapter 2139

Owen let out a bitter laugh. He then shook his head repeatedly.

He did not deny Ralph's words. Instead, he regretted the three years he had spent serving Christopher without question. He felt a deep sense of remorse, realizing just how unworthy it all had been.

At that moment, overwhelming regret consumed him.

It was not for the mistakes that had cost him the honors he had worked a lifetime to gain. He was devastated that a man who once lived with integrity and honor had become a mere pawn of the devil in his later years.

"Do you have anything else to confess besides what we found in your home?" Ralph asked directly.


Owen lowered his gaze. "I was also involved in Aaron Larson's case. Christopher directed me from behind."

Ralph's eyes widened in shock. "You killed Aaron Larson? Didn't he die from a suicide?"

it. He even forged a suicide note and sent a lawyer to deliver it to Aaron, who carried it with him after that. After Aaron's death, I abused my power

shook his head, still

family's businesses. How could he have

had a deadly piece of leverage over

was trafficking a new, highly profitable soft drug. Christopher initially presented this as an opportunity to lure Aaron into the trap. However, Aaron didn't realize he was

full control of the Larson family's

Larson family is prestigious in Hatchbay, with billions in assets. Why would they turn to drug

his son had recklessly expanded their business over the years. However, their investment in drug research yielded no results, leading their top investors to pull out. This created a cash flow crisis, which is how Aaron fell

immediately. "So, what does

Christopher down with him. But again, you and I know exactly what kind of person Christopher is. He rewards loyalty and crushes opposition. Even a momentary slip of the tongue is enough for him to decide that he had to

night, Christopher invited Aaron to a resort hotel in the suburbs under the

in a room with a girl. In the early morning, that girl died in bed. The cause of death? An overdose of hallucinogens, injected on Christopher's orders. But while Aaron was too drunk to

dilating in shock. "What did you do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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