"It seems that Bella's disappearance was because of that phone call." Ralph's instincts as a detective kicked in as he furrowed his brow to analyze the situation. "But what's strange is that Bella is not the type to act impulsively or recklessly. Even if she left the house and encountered an unexpected situation, she would at least try to find a solution with Camilla. So whoever was on the other end of that call must have somehow manipulated her. They must have offered Bella something she couldn't refuse, forcing her to make this desperate decision."

"Strange," Asher said, becoming more anxious the more he thought about it. "Christopher and his associates are all in Sentania, and all the dangerous people are here. We were on a mission at the church, Camilla was at home, and Edward attended his event safely. What could possibly lure Bella away, risking such danger, besides concerns for her family?"

"It's... Christopher!" Justin's face turned ashen as he spoke without hesitation. "Right now, Taylor is dead, and Yvonne has been successfully rescued by Drew. Christopher has no leverage left. His only option would be to come after Bella, find a way to take her, and control her. After all, Bella is the one person he desires most. If he's fleeing for his life, he would give up everything, but he wouldn't leave without Bella!" After Justin spoke, he closed his eyes and winced, struggling to take a deep breath but unable to shake the heartache and pounding in his head.

The others exchanged worried looks. Justin's reasoning made perfect sense, but none of them wanted his words to be true.

At that moment, Edward's secretary burst into the room, drenched in sweat. "Mr. President! Something terrible has happened!"

Edward tightened his grip around Camilla's trembling waist and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

The secretary spoke nervously, "Earlier today, four hidden bombs exploded at the new museum you attended. The whole place was completely destroyed, with the damage estimated to be in the billions!" Everyone was shocked. "What?! Bombs?!"

Not just one, but four bombs!

Camilla, already on the verge of collapse, went completely limp in Edward's arms. She clutched his shirt, trembling with fear. "Edward... You were just at that event today. If you had stayed even a moment longer... Just one moment... I would have lost you forever!"

got out of there just in time before the museum exploded. Even the

luck. He quickly asked the

the museum had closed, so there weren't more casualties. I suspect the terrorists' main goal

the sofa, veins bulging at his temples. "I understand now... I know how Christopher lured Bella away! He planted the bombs at the event venue in advance and called Bella, telling her that if she didn't meet him, he would detonate them, killing her brother-in-law in a sea of fire, taking more

self-blame. "I was careless! Christopher tricked me, and that's how he found

into his mind. "We'll start a full-scale search from


the coast of Sentania, dozens of islands of various sizes dotted the sea. Among them was one island, the furthest from

jewel lying on the shimmering blue surface of the

last year. It was now his

a gift he had prepared

where he would

he had simply given her this gift in a more passionate

fell, stars twinkled over the

and lavishly decorated, with a large bed draped in soft, silky sheets. Bella was curled up on the bed, her dark hair spread out across the pillow

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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