“You can go in now.I’ll pick you up after work.”

“Be careful, Sebastian.If those thugs know where I work, they probably know where I live.Maybe they’ll ambush you at home.” Natalie grabbed his arm and looked at him worriedly.

“Don’t worry. They won’t have the guts to do that.”

As he spoke, Sebastian looked into the distance with a cold expression.Then he patted her on the head gently and turned around to leave, disappearing in the crowd.

Swallowing her nervousness, Natalie walked briskly into the Larson Group’‘s building.

The woman behind Natalie snickered at her and whispered to her friend while they all waited for the elevator. “That’s really her.

Where was she hiding all this while? Now that those people left, she has come out as if nothing had happened.”

“She was probably waiting for the security guards to drive those people away. I think she must have availed a loan and doesn’t want us to know about it,” the man beside her echoed.

Natalie was in no mood to argue with them. She turned around and decided to take the stairs. She didn’t want to think about it and decided to concentrate on work. When Natalie finally reached her desk, no one bothered to talk to her. Gerda was usually a chatterbox who spoke nonstop. However, she seemed strangely silent today. Natalie’s colleagues glanced at her and carried on with their work. They all seemed eerily calm, as if a storm were brewing to destroy her life. Natalie had been sensitive ever since she was a little girl. Sensing everyone’s strange attitude, she took a deep breath and sat down to draw.

a blur, and

that seemed like an alarm bell, reminding Natalie of

has something to do

she had become the talk of the

lip and hesitated for a long time. A few minutes

sense Brandon’s

the trouble. A group of fraudsters has deceived an elder from my family into signing up for a loan. I’ve been dealing with the issue. I’ll try not fo cause any trouble to the company,” Natalie replied, hoping that Brandon

She only prayed for Brandon to show mercy and forgive

messages. Every minute seemed like an hour —

began to spin. Fortunately, she didn’t rush to ask Brandon for help. She had

situation to Brandon to find out if he might help her. After all, he could

she didn’t know Brandon well. He was neither a relative

and wasn’t obligated to help her. Natalie’s torture finally ended when she got another message from

Focus on your work. Our company

her eyes. She read and

would put the interest of the company first over anyone.

I’m yet to unravel?’ The

Brandon informed Natalie the company would deal with the problem. Natalie had no idea how Brandon was going to deal with the issue. She didn’t dare ask

as she left the company, she received a brief message from Brandon that read, “Problem solved, and the debt is

the sweat off her forehead. If they did this the legal way and the fraudsters were sent to jail, Hannah still would have to pay the debt from a legal point of view since she signed the contract which was totally legit. Brandon now told her that the company had dealt with it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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