A cold shiver ran down Natalie’s spine as she recalled Ritchie’s face.

The handsomeness of his face was still there at that time, but there was no denying the fact that he looked like a personification of Satan.

“Sorry that you had to go through all that.I didn’t see your message on time because I was very busy.It won’t happen again.I’ll be quick to save you next time.”

Sebastian stroked her face absentmindedly.He was staring blankly with dim eyes.His mind was filled with thoughts at this time.

“I trust you.” Natalie hugged him tighter and inhaled his scent.

This was the only way she could get solace and a sense of security now that she was afraid.

Sebastian was her rock and she felt safe with him.

“Dearie, you have been through a lot today. You look so tired. How about I take you home so you can rest?”

Sebastian didn’t like seeing her in this weary state, so he wanted to take her home.

Natalie immediately sat up and looked in the direction of the ward.

Shaking her head, she refused, “I don’t want to leave now.There’s nobody by Laney’s side, so I want to stay.At least, until she wakes up.”

“Okay, that’s fine.”

Sebastian kissed her forehead and rested his chin on her head.He decided to respect her decision.

Natalie was indebted to Laney.She thought, ‘Laney saved my life again today. The least I can do is to stay here until she regains consciousness.

After staring at the closed door of Laney’s ward for a while, Natalie buried herself in her husband’s warm embrace again.

A few seconds later, Sebastian felt wet moisture on his chest.

He then heard a very faint sobbing.

Natalie was crying.

“I was so useless today. could do nothing but watch in horror as those men beat Laney.I don’t want to be in such a situation again.Sebastian, do you think I should start taking self-defense classes? At least, I will be able to throw some punches if anyone attacks me in the future.”

In Sebastian’s eyes, Natalie was the smartest woman in the world.

but think she was

have a busy job, so you won’t have time for defense classes.Don’t beat up yourself over what happened


Sebastian comforted her affectionately.

best bodyguard in Seacisco as sure and she had

what she had faced in the past, so he

a while.She then nodded

wasn’t until the next morning that Laney finally woke

stayed by her bedside throughout the

up that tears welled up

You are awake.Oh, Laney! You

despite the immense pain she

Natalie.We are friends.And friends look out for each other.I’ll always have your back.So, stop


visit, Mr.Harding,” she said, her

of your time.Well, I dare not waste another second of it though.Drive safely on your way back, Mr.Harding Garrett

he changed his mind after noting how eager this woman was to send him away.She had piqued his interest. He slowly took off his coat and tossed it on a nearby chair before pulling another one to sit by

me to leave as soon as I arrive, huh? Tell me why you dislike me so much,

shiver ran down Laney’s

She told herself that it was only because he had very attractive,

were thick and

under the corner of

a gorgeous one. Realizing that she had wandered

Mr.Harding, it’s just that I

business. It doesn’t matter whether I’m here or not, does it? Don’t worry.

Garrett reached for the tea set on the side table and poured himself

him.It looked like he had

bed.She gritted her teeth the entire time, frustrated that he had to see

in a flash and held out his

let me help

take care of

words, Laney struggled to get on

she finally did, she couldn’t stiffe a gasp of

Garrett’s frown deepened.

said, unaware that his voice had

to be strong, okay?” She raised her eyes then, and was stunned to see the tender expression on his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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