Luna had been dying to hear that question.

She sneered at Natalie and took out her tablet from her backpack.

After tapping the screen, she said to everyone present, “I designed a series of colorful spring styles last year, but the design department of the Klein Silk Fabric didn’t select it, so none of the designs were made into a finished product.But I was shocked to see Natalie’s works on stage just now.They are very similar to mine.I’’m a hundred percent sure that she got her hands on my designs and decided to pass them off as her own.She’s a thiefl”

The entire show was halted because of this sudden accusation.

The audience’s attention was on them.

One of the attendees who saw Luna’s designs said in a hushed tone, “Wow! Their works are indeed similar.I think she actually stole the designs.”

“Yes, the similarities are too obvious to overlook. The colors and styles are very much like,” another one concurred.

“Shush! Don’t jump to conclusions just yet.Let’s hear what Miss Quinn has to say about the accusation. It’s unwise to judge only by listening to one side!”

A guest disagreed vehemently.

Unfazed by all that Luna said, Natalie swiped and zoomed in on the drawings on the PC tablet.She observed them dosely for a while.She then said, “Yeah, they are similar, but that doesn’t make them the game.Are you calling me a plagiarist because of these similarities? Besides, no one knows when you made these design drafts!”

Luna had prepared well for this confrontation, so she had expected Natalie to say such a thing.She retorted fearlessly.

“As I said earlier, I made these designs some time back.I decided to put the entire collection on a fashion design exchange platform since it wasn’t selected by the design team.It was a way of putting my work out there and building my portfolio.From the website, you can see that it was uploaded a year ago. Have a look, everyone!”

As Luna spoke, she opened the fashion design exchange platform where she claimed to have uploaded her designs.

The date stamp indeed showed that the collection of designs was uploaded on the platform a year ago.

A slight frown appeared on the organizer’s face after Luna pointed out the date stamp.

Quinn, what do you have to say about

that some of


Natalie before the show

good first impressions of her, so

similar interests and saw the same set of past designs that inspired them.After all,

take inspiration from the same things, but it is impossible for two creative minds to come up with the same designs.Similarities can happen.However, the styles and colors of Natalie’s designs are exactly the same as mine.Even a blind man could see that the resemblance is uncanny.How

Luna insisted confidently.

to admit that she had

designs had the slip style

experience, they knew that such coincidences

seemed to

result, the organizers and designers

them eventually spoke for the rest, “Miss Quinn, you have to explain why your work is the same as hers. It’s best that you own up

statement indicated that they were convinced that this was

could see that I plagiarized your work.Now tell me, how is it possible that I blatantly plagiarized without changing any detail? I am a smart

shame or fear on

to her that no one supported her now.She was just ready

out evidence that you stole my work.Everyone has seen it.As a designer, I can’t just stand by and watch someone else take credit for my hard work.With my designs, Natalie successfully entered the fashion show of Seacisco Fashion Week.I demand that all of

frowned deeply. She couldn’t take the insults, let alone apologize to

have never logged on to the fashion design sharing platform you spoke about.More so, I have never seen any designs that are similar to mine anywhere before. You just want to tarnish my

her chest and pretended to be hurt

making a baseless claim? You are just being a big bully.I’ve never seen anyone as shameless and wicked as

charge of the Seacisco Fashion Week. It was a popular

the big shots in the fashion industry were always in

the Internet, people began to discuss the matter in various

how the incident unfolded. It didn’t take long until the names Natalie Quinn and Larson Group became

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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