After this incident, her impression of Garrett had become slightly marred.

“He is definitely a playboy. He dumped that woman so readily, which must mean he hasn’t taken their relationship seriously. No wonder he changes girlfriends so fast, like how some people change clothes,” she thought to herself.

After saying goodbye to Natalie, she made her way to Garrett’s office to work. In order not to look suspicious, she had begun to learn about her job as a secretary. She thought that at least she should look the part of a secretary. As soon as he entered the office, he saw Laney sorting through the documents and arranging his meeting schedules.

“You don’t have to do all these things. Just leave them to my assistant to attend to,” he said.

Garrett walked to Laney and tried to take the documents from her grasp, but she quickly dodged him with a blank expression on her face.

Laney left with the documents in her hands and said in an icy tone, “Mr. Harding, this forms part of my job as your secretary.

Besides, please keep a distance from me from now on. Thank you.”

She didn’t want to stay in his presence a moment longer, so she turned on her heel and was about to leave.For no reason,

Garrett felt annoyed. Laney’s attitude towards him was now obviously colder and more removed than before.

“Don’t mind what happened yesterday.” Garrett’s voice came from behind Laney.

Laney looked sideways and frowned, “Mr. Harding, you don’t need to explain this to me. Your behavior now will only make others misunderstand the relationship between us.”

She then closed the office door, leaving him standing alone in the room. He didn’t know how to explain the true situation to her, nor did he know why he actually wanted to explain it to her. She was just there to be Natalie’s bodyguard. Garrett took a seat in his chair in an irritable mood.

He didn’t even understand why he handled what had happened yesterday the way he did.

Indeed, he liked to date young, energetic and beautiful women. Although he had never fallen in love with any of them, he was good at buttering women up and charming them.

to do was to spend some time charming the pants off Tracey, which would be an easy task for him. With just a few new luxury bags, Tracey would forgive him. Moreover, he and Tracey had only been together for two months and there hadn’t

after they had got home and he tried to explain the situation to Tracey, she still wouldn’t let it go. Somehow, he felt

entire week after the incident. Natalie knew that she was still

from a shop on the street. It was a cold wintry day; the

the misunderstanding between Garrett and his girlfriend is cleared by

together already.” After eating the nugget, Laney let

don’t think so. They have

Natalie was taken aback.

big deal,”

None of it is your fault. Anyway, Garrett changes girlfriends faster

was just tired

but didn’t say anything. She understood that Natalie was trying to make her feel

a scenic spot that had recently opened in Seasisco. Natalie

the news that the snow would rime the mountain, making it look like a huge ice

to somehow make Laney feel better, and nothing better could uplift one’s mood than the beauty

the foot of the mountain, they saw that people had gathered around to

But if Laney liked them, she

“Do you like stars?”

action movie

they were shooting a soap opera. A huge crowd had gathered, and they couldn’t squeeze their way

lake and sat down. Just as Natalie wondered what to say to make Laney

sounded familiar. She turned around and saw a female star greeting her from

her. Emani’s contract with the Larson Group had just expired. She was no longer

me? Luckily, I have good eyesight, so I recognized you from afar.” Emani was

The woman had never liked Natalie.

group of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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