When Emani saw these hateful comments, she was so infuriated that she snapped in the room, and screamed shrilly, “You psychos.I have never asked you to do anything! It’s none of my business what you decide to do!”

After cursing, she immediately paid some people to put in good words for her on the Internet But her tactic didn’t work.

This had gone viral across the Internet.

The next morning, her company sent a car to pick her up to take her to their offices.

Emani had stayed up all night from the sheer stress of the situation.

There were dark circles under her eyes.

“I was wronged.The news Kirby revealed was mostly made up by him!”

Emani still wanted to defend herself.

The PR manager didn’t believe a single word she uttered.

They had been working all through last night trying to do damage control so that they could make the topic about Emani subside.

However, many people who had been hurt by Emani in the past also took the opportunity to take a stand and speak out against her.

It was then when the PR department realized that this might not just be a coincidence.

Emani might have offended some big shot, who was taking revenge on her.

After all, why else would all the people she ever bullied just appear online to point fingers at her overnight?

After the PR department weighed both the pros and cons, they discovered that Emani was in a fix and that it would be hard to get her out of this situation.

Since she had offended someone higher-up, it was not worth it to have the entire company go down with her.

Even though she was a popular actress now, they had no other choice but to let her go.

came into the

cultivate a

decision to Ruby, who was Emani’s

say? Just say

were still swollen from all the

out a

decided to terminate its contract with you. You happened to start the whole thing, Emani.lt’s best if you just walk


you’re going

at yourself and the mess you’ve gotten yourself into. How do you expect us to save you now? When you signed the contract with the company, you promised you would

off with the contract

that she was on the cusp of breaking down.She sat there in her seat in a daze for a long time and decided to call Ritchie for help.She believed

him who asked her to frame Natalie and who promised to make her more famous after she

as soon as Ritchie answered her call, Emani heard him say with a sigh, “Emani, how dare you call me


a loss for

I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.I had no idea Kirby would leak all that news about me.They should’ve been hidden well.Mr.Klein, please help me

you anymore, Emani. You brought this to yourself. There’s nothing I


he hung up the phone before Emani could say

stared at the blank screen in utter disbelief, her beautiful

tightly and said,

him, she kept calling Ritchie but was not able

she had been

Klein Silk Fabric issued a statement that they had terminated their contract with Emani because of her

sent home by her assistant, Emani was so enraged that she took out a bottle of red wine from the cupboard, opened it,

red liquid leaked out of the corner of

the ground, her eyes bloodshot as she cursed, “Those righteous snobs! when I was famous, everyone came to bask in my light.Now that I’m down and out, no


always been this

showbiz happened to be a snob.She then

back.All these items belong to the brand companies,

them and leave

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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