At first, Natalie had been focused on the food, but when she glanced down by chance, she saw Ronald fumbling on Patty’s thighs.His face was almost buried in her chest.

Natalie’s seat was very close to Patty’s so she heard what Ronald had said very clearly.

A frown settled on her face at the words, and she felt uncomfortable.

She was still thinking about how to deal with the situation, when Patty smiled faintly To Natalie’s surprise, she stood up, smashed the wine glass in Ronald’s face, and spat, “You old goat! How dare you get fresh with me?! Do you think you can take advantage of me just because you are in charge of the project?”

The glass shattered against Ronald’s forehead, leaving a cut.

He covered the wound immediately and groaned in pain.

Blood and wine flowed down his face.

He was so stunned that it took him a few seconds before he raised his head again and glared at Patty.

“Are you crazy?” he shouted angrily.

“You came on to me first! You came to have dinner with me, and you’re wearing such a sexy dress on purpose! Why are you suddenly pretending to be a saint? You bitch!”

Patty’s face turned red in rage.

Not to be outdone, she responded loudly, “When did I come on to you? Bastard! You asked us out just to take advantage of us!

Spend a night with you? Why not look at yourself in the mirror first? Go fuck yourself, you disgusting old bastard!”

The two of them began exchanging fierce insults and the atmosphere in the private room became increasingly tense.

It looked like the two were close to exchanging blows, so Natalie decided to take Patty away for the time being, scared that things would escalate.

“Miss Jenkins, can you please come to the bathroom with me?”

Natalie quickly grabbed Patty’s bag from the chair and dragged her out of the private room.

The door shut behind them, cutting off Ronald’s insults as he yelled after them, and leaving the restaurant’s hallway silent.

Patty’s rage hadn’t subsided yet.

She pushed Natalie away and said, “You’re such a coward.Why didn’t you stand up to him?”

Natalie let out a helpless sigh.

Patty was still in a bad mood after being harassed like

if we aren’t in there with him right now.He’s drunk.If we really fight him, we

respond to

eyes at Natalie, she snatched her bag from her and left the

The next day.

thinking about how to deal with the situation after Patty offended Ronald the day before, but before she came up with a solution, Tiffany came to

want to see you in my office, right now!” Tiffany’s eyes were full of

terrifying seeing her so

with fear, Natalie


two of them and slammed the documents in her hands

you wants to explain to me what is going on?! Ronald called me this morning in a fit.” He said that they are canceling all plans

have made us an enemy, so they won’t just ignore us, they will

Tiffany’s face, Natalie didn’t know how to explain the situation, Ronald molested

were in the wrong here?’ Tiffany looked unhappy Seeing that both Lanct

holds a significant position in the fashion industry with a worldwide reputation and

want to call it off and the bonus of this

took a deep breath and cast a reproachful

you two

cancel the

lost his temper and didn’t tell me why he canceled the cooperation.Now you tell me what happened last

Tiffany was incredibly distressed.

her lips and glanced

she was

The latter dropped her gaze to the floor without uttering

seemed fierce last night, and Natalie believed she would own up

that Natalie was staring at her, Patty raised her head and cast a hesitant

Fisher, can I talk to

moment’s thought, Tiffany nodded before turning to look at

can leave now.!’ll call you in if I

her workstation in silence.She wondered if Tiffany

rage, it seemed obvious this project was important to

happened last night was Ronald’s

woman, would understand what Patty had done

while, Patty finally walked out of Tiffany’s office. As Patty walked past Natalie’s desk, she glanced at Natalie and shook her head, her eyes full of helplessness

expression, but it

at you that

munched the chips.She always ate snacks while working to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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