Sebastian pushed the crotch of her pan ties to the side and slid his fingers into her folds, rubbing and stroking her soft flesh. Natalie bi t her li ps, but that didn’t stop a long moan from escaping. Her waist lifted involuntarily from the bed, even as she clutched the covers beneath her.

“Good girl,” Sebastian rasped and pressed two wet kisses on her cheek. He pulled back and straightened before unzipping his trousers and discarding them to the floor. Then, he hooked his fingers on the waistband of both her jeans and underwear and pulled them off her in one swift motion.

Natalie shivered from the cold, but Sebastian was immediately abo ve her, pressing his hard member against her slick wet ness. He rubbed against her until she was dripping down to her thighs; then he slowly pushed inside. She was so tight that he had to pause and take a deep breath to keep himself from losing control.

A faint stabbing pain accompanied Sebastian’s thickness as it entered her. Natalie had the vague feeling of being stretched apart, and she couldn’t help but gasp at the sensation. Sebastian grabbed her by the calves and braced himself before bur ying his entire length in to her.

“Ah! Sebastian…” Tears we lled up in Natalie’s eyes, while Sebastian groaned in ecstasy. She could feel him throbbing inside her, as well as his pulse travel from where they were connected to every inch of her body.

Sebastian hiked her legs up and wra pped them around his waist, then he leaned close and captured both of her wrists with one hand, pinning them over her head. His other hand cupped Natalie’s jaw, prompting her lips to part for a deep, hot kiss. He ravaged her mouth until he felt her relax and loosen around him.

Only then did he start moving, pulling backward and plunging back in. She seemed to grow tighter with each thrust-or maybe it was he who was growing larger-but he kept thrusting, and she kept swallowing him up.

Sebastian’s cock glistened in the dim light of the room. As he picked up his pace, their combined fluids slid down her tender flesh and soaked the sheets. Natalie’s back arched upward.

Sebastian kept pounding into her, his face pressed against the shell of her ear, his short, hoarse grunts filling the air. He pulled back a little to release her wrists. She immediately wound her arms around his neck, leaving a trail of red fingerprints on his broad shoulder as she held on for dear life. With his hands now free, Sebastian cupped her breasts and squeezed. He played with her nipples with his thumbs, alternating between flicking them and rubbing them in lazy circles.

“Oh…” Natalie gasped. They became a panting, writhing mass of intertwined limbs. The air above them soon became thick and heavy with their mingled breaths. Natalie felt trapped in a never-ending web of pleasure, though she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to escape it. Her head fell to the side as another wave of raw bliss washed over her, and her gaze fell on the window.

Spring was almost upon them. Outside, small, delicate buds were appearing on the withered trees.

the branches, eager for the warm season to begin. Natalie briefly wondered if they were sparrows or swallows… She couldn’t tell from this distance. But before she could mull it over further,

width of her neck as the rocking of their bodies grew more urgent. Natalie trembled at the force of it

her, he simultaneously pressed down,

“Ah! Don’t… Sebastian…”

next thing Natalie knew, ripples of pleasure took over her body, wringing a scream out of her mouth. She felt herself burst

pillows, quivering and spent. She might have passed out for a second there, but Natalie didn’t really care. Sebastian thrust into her one last time, shooting

his wild gaze. His lust was nowhere near slaked, and

forced them closed. He shifted their legs in a different position, then

time Natalie woke up again, it was already

immediately rushed to her side. worry written

didn’t come downstairs for lunch and dinner yesterday. Are you not feeling well?” Johanna and Beal had gone to work after

who was sitting on the sofa as though nothing had happened. Sighing subtly, she

thing. I’ll

but she didn’t expect Johanna to take it so seriously. Just then,

a movie this afternoon.

on second

Take good care

like she really wasn’t fond of her

movie. Sebastian had just come up

of a thriller film caught her eye. The poster looked very dreamy, full of artistic direction. She had heard about the

the trailer on the screen outside the cinema, she was even more

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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