Chapter 114 Celebrating The Newly-Weds
Chapter 114
Jean raised his brows, “Wait, that’s not it. That tarot
reading belonged to Neera. It’s that same girl who
was married to me.”
Upon hearing that, Frederic’s expression slightly
He was glad that his son had married the girl with a
compatible tarot reading. Otherwise, that
warding-off marriage would not work.
Despite that, the Garcias still ended up cheating
Naturally, Frederic would not allow this to slide.
11 Mon,
Chapter 114 Celebrating The Newly-Weds
His eyes narrowed at Jean, “What were you
thinking? Did you really give them fifty million
A cold smile sprung to Jean’s lips. His eyes were
devoid of any warmth, “I was already very
generous by giving them that amount. Or else, do
you think they would respect us? Do they think they
can just deceive us as they please? If word gets
out, we would turn into a laughing stock!”
Frederick sank into silence upon hearing that. He
felt that his son had a point.
“You have a point, but fifty million dollars is too far
off from the amount we initially promised them.
Since they’ve given us the correct tarot reading
11:58 Mon, 21 Aug
Chapter 114 Celebrating The Newly-Weds

and the girl is the right person as well, things
actually turn out pretty fine albeit their deception.
In my opinion, those fifty million dollars is not an
appropriate amount at all.”
After a brief silence, he finally made up his mind,
“What about this? We will introduce them to some
of our connections, but only those that we don’t
have frequent conversations with. That way, we
would have done the best that we could and we
would not be mistreating them in return. If they
somehow want to bring this matter up again in the
future, we have the upper hand here.”
Jean’s brows shot up. Obviously, he did not think
that this was such a good idea.
In the end, he caved in.
Jean held the final decision on which connection
he would introduce to the Garcia family. He would
not make life easy for them!
In the afternoon, Alfonso, who had been waiting
around while panicking, finally received a contract.
However, it was not one that could make him
billions of dollars. It was not even the Beauvort
family personally coming to him. It was practically
a lowball
Alfonso’s expression turned hideous. He called
Winova again.
“Winova, I did receive a contract, but… It’s not the
Chapter 114 Celebrating The Newly-Weds
one that Mr. Frederic has promised me, is it? Did
you make a mistake?”
Winova replied quickly, “I did not make a mistake,
Mr. Alfonso. You should know yourself as to why you
received that contract instead. Mr. Frederic is still
bristling with rage at this moment because of your
purposeful deception, and this is the only
remaining kindness that he can show you. I hope
that you will learn to be grateful and not further
exacerbate the situation. Or else, who knows what
Mr. Frederic would do to your family, given his
After that formal reply, Winova hung up.
Alfonso’s hand, which was clutching his phone, was
11 :38 Mon, 21 Aug G
The Newly es
shivering hard. His expression was as ugly as it
could get.
He had been working hard for so long, and just as
he was about to reach his goal, everything came
down like a house of cards.
He was supposed to be richer by 1.3 billion dollars,
yet all he received was a measly fifty million dollars.
And a contract that was practically worthless!
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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