Chapter 199 Can You Bear The Consequences?
Jean said coldly, “You started it, and it was your men who crashed into the standee. What do we have to do with it? Are we supposed to refresh your memory for you?”
He glanced at the cashier in the shop.
The cashier walked out, staring icily at Qaylah.
“Ma’am, please pay for the losses you’ve inflicted on this shop before you go, or you’ll be removed from our members’ list and blacklisted from our shop as well as others we’ve partnered with before”
Qaylah was in disbelief at the request.
Roxanne was furious as well. She dropped her nice girl image at last, shrieking and cussing her head off.
“Are you f*cking blind? They hit our people! They’re the ones who should be paying!”
The cashier did nothing in response, disdain in his gaze.

“It was your bodyguards who broke the standee, though. Besides, you provoked this lady out of nowhere. She was just dragged into this, and had nothing to do with it. Thus, you should be the one to bear these losses.”
“Of course, if you insist on refusing to pay, we’ll have no choice but to go to the police. They’ll decide whose fault it is when they’re here.”
Qaylah was trembling with rage at the words. She pointed a shaky finger at the cashier, then at Neera.
“You… you’re taking advantage of the weak!”
The cashier stepped forward in front of Neera. “Are you still going to cause trouble? I’d think it through if I were you.”
Wasn’t this a threat?
Qaylah could hardly contain her fury, her face turning an ugly shade of purple as she shook all over.
She wanted nothing more than to tear Neera from limb to limb!
It was only the consequences of getting on the shop’s bad side that stopped her from doing that.
Roxanne had never been so embarrassed in her life. She had made a fool out of herself in front of a crowd.
At last, she realized that they would not be able to do anything to Neera with this man covering for her.
She walked up to Qaylah awkwardly, whispering in her ear.
“Auntie Qaylah, I think we should just head back. Zachary’s still waiting for us…”
Qaylah was still purple with rage, but could only do as such. “Fine, it’s not like we can’t afford it! How much?”
The cashier held up a number he had pre-calculated at once, as well as an account to make the payment to.
Qaylah paid what she had to, and left quietly after.
Roxanne followed closely behind. She glared at Neera indignantly as she passed her.
Neera looked back at her coldly, hardly thinking anything of it.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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