Chapter 320

“Don’t make me the excuse for your red carpet appearance. Our relationship is nothing more than a polite smile and a nod, and everyone knows it.”

“Keira’s face turned ugly. Her eyes was full of hatred as she stared at Chloe.

“Chloe’s bullying our Keira again, even calling her a ‘red carpet regular”

“Keira, you’re too kind, Chloe’s just ungrateful. Ignore her!”

“I cant believe the school invited such a person!”

“She can’t even snag a boyfriend, where does she get the nerve to show up here? She’s got some thick skin.*

“Oh, what’s all the buzz about?”

door closing Chloe raised an eyebrow, not yet

He’s so handsome!”

He’s also a

never knew a guy could

Ziems casually strolled a few steps on the red carpet, with hands in his pockets, and

suit, Kane smiled,

other side, saw Kane, and her eyes lit up.

“When did we meet?”

turned embarrassed, “……Mr.

don’t quite remember.”

turned his gaze to Lance. Lance nodded politely at him, but Kane pretended not to see and

filled with a

raised her eyebrows at him with a smile.

you come alone? I’m alone too, you must be my date

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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