Chapter 179 Ethan’s Scheme (1)

Ethan and Alice’s matter would be completely resolved, and Rosy wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore in the future.

With furrowed brows, Ethan thought, She went back to her room just like that? I waited here for so long, and she just went back to rest? She’s the one who said she wanted to talk to me.

Although he was frustrated, there was nothing he could do. After all, she was his wife. What else can I do? I can only spoil her.

He then got up and went upstairs. As he passed Alice’s room, he tried the doorknob and found that the door was locked from the inside. At once, his heart sank. Does she really need to guard herself against me like this? Is this necessary?

After taking a deep breath, he reminded himself not to be impatient and to take it slowly. Little Fox is still wary of me. I can’t rush things.

Alice had originally planned to handle things with Rosy the next day and leave directly. However, just before dawn, she received a phone call from Jane, who informed her about some unusual situations involving her brother. Worried and anxious, she immediately booked the earliest flight.

Before the break of dawn, she hurriedly left the Knight Residence and headed to the airport. She was too anxious and worried, and the flight was scheduled so soon that she didn’t bother to disguise herself.

would raise suspicions about her visiting her brother. However, this time, no one would know that she was going to see him, and those people were no longer monitoring

other hand, Ethan woke up early as well and noticed that Alice’s room door was left

So, he quickly went downstairs but still couldn’t find her. After that, he took out

had already arrived at the airport and was busy with the formalities, Her phone was in her bag, and she had lowered the volume during the


“Mr. Knight, Mrs. Knight bought a ticket for a flight to Cliaria… Bruce

Mrs. Knight’s case of business espionage for Bruce, and now she’s trying to

had already adapted and that it was time for her to let go. And today, she’s planning to leave

for Bruce, but recent events made him uncertain. Does she

seat next to

the hell is going on? I don’t think his case of business espionage has been

country with her, and they had been keeping a low profile. Obviously, their influence within Rodcaster was not enough. Although Archie has applied for Bruce’s arrest, with Thomas‘ connections in Rodcaster, it wouldn’t be difficult

had the intention of escaping. Of course, calling it an escape

she could recover from the shock, she felt a shadow block most of the light. So, she instinctively looked up, and upon seeing the person in front of her, she became even more stunned. What

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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