Chapter 1202

In the following days, Leon entered the recovery phase for taking the Dragon Pill and remained in his room to rest, while taking the time to study the Mirror of Sovereign.

Upon going through all the records left by his ancestors, he soon concluded that the Mirror of Sovereign was a defensive tool. The user could inject their spiritual energy into it to guard their hearts against attack from someone of one level higher than the user; even in face of an attack from someone of a few levels higher, the damage would be minimized to a certain degree.

Like the magical armor seen in movies, it would be a powerful tool and Leon was overwhelmed by excitement.

The only drawback was that the Mirror of Sovereign was merely a defensive tool and held no offensive power; on top of that, it was only the size of a human palm, so it could only shield the heart from damage, leaving the other body parts unprotected.

Still, Leon was overjoyed as nothing was more important than staying alive and the possession of the Mirror of Sovereign meant that he had yet another tool to utilize when he found himself in danger.

to the Wolf Enterprises branch with Iris and Ruth.

used to be Wright Enterprises and out of gratitude toward the Wrights, Leon gathered a fund of 287 million dollars, before handing it to the

materials were unsatisfactory. Naturally, it was not a big issue for Leon as he had experience in improving the quality of raw materials in the

repeated what he did the time before and resolved the crisis in only two days.

while he was occupied with the matters of his firm.

when they heard

the Fields to wait outside the mansion and to welcome

upon their

cars drove in their direction

door opened and a beautiful woman stepped out, followed by a majestic–looking man in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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