Chapter 1357

“Snow, I’ll teach you the Mysterious Maiden Method right now. Pay attention!”

Leon hurriedly changed the topic to dispel the awkward atmosphere.

“No! How could you do that?!” Ruth intensely objected the moment Leon said that.

“Why can’t I?” Leon looked at Ruth curiously.

“What do you think? I kept on begging you to teach me the other half of the Mysterious Maiden Method before, but you were never willing to! Why did you agree so quickly when it’s Snow?!” Ruth said unhappily.

“This is different! Snow has saved my life before, and I’ve always seen her as a sister. Isn’t it normal for me to teach it to her?!” Leon rolled his eyes and said.

you before? I’ve saved you so many times before too. Why don’t you remember what I did for you? Why do you treat us so differently? Aren’t

does this have to do with favorites?” Leon felt exasperated.

unhappy. After that, she looked at Snow’s beautiful face and alluring figure and suddenly

must be after Snow’s looks. That’s


explosion going off in his head at Ruth’s

I just told you, I see Snow as my sister. Since when have I ever been after her looks? Why must you be so rude?” Leon said with a dark look on

figure. Any man would want her for her looks. Maybe you’re

were not exactly untrue. Even though Snow only ranked third among the four beauties of Springfield City, Snow had a naturally sexy look and figure. She had a very mature appeal to men that was incredibly seductive. She was a woman

it came to that, she was slightly better than Iris and Cynthia.


he did not know what to do about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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