Chapter 1445

“Mister Wolf, please believe me. This jade carving is not some amazing treasure. Please stop bidding any further, you might end up with it.”

Leon shook his head. His expression was incredibly serious.


“Mister Wolf, can you please stop causing trouble?!”

“A treasure with such a strong attribute like this is incredibly important to me. No matter how expensive it is, I have to secure it!” Raphael complained unhappily.

It was obvious that Leon’s constant meddling already thoroughly angered him!

If he did not see Leon as a friend, he would probably have blown up at Leon right on the spot!

is something that amazing, why would the Black


Raphael’s head that immediately

to activate the jade carving. It caused everyone to believe that the carving was a Mystical

jade was a valuable treasure that could help the training of a martial artist, it would not be hard for the Black Gorilla to just take it for himself. The underworld prioritized

something as valuable and rare as the Mystical Dragon Jade would at least be properly marketed even if it was going to be auctioned off at the black

started the auction in the afternoon. It was as if they were worried that too many people would be there!

just too strange!

do you mean that this could be a scam?” Raphael’s eyes widened in

exactly be certain,” Leon said calmly, not

he knew very well that, if this was a scam, then it would be related

even possible that everything was

the man was a vicious figure in the underworld. It was not like the man had a shining reputation. It would be no surprise for

face darkened

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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