Chapter 1447

“It is a treasure!”

“Mister Golan made it out big this time!”

Everyone started to look at Seth in admiration.

The Black Gorilla already activated the jade carving once before, and Seth was easily activating it again.

Both times resulted in the same result, so they were even more certain that the carving was a Mystical Dragon Jade. At the same time, it was an amazing treasure containing immense power!

“Raphael, did you see that? What else do you have to say now?!” Seth sneered, looking at Raphael and Leon like they were clowns.

“That’s impossible! Mister Wolf, didn’t you say that the jade carving could not be some amazing treasure? What’s happening here?”

incredibly sour

to look at Leon

he thought that the Black Gorilla probably activated the mechanism within the

in Seth’s hand, the treasure was still glowing with such immense energy!

enough to prove that there were

Mystical Dragon Jade would be able to greatly bolster the reputation of their jade


after listening to Leon’s words, he just gave the carving over to his

was obvious how angry he was

a bit patient. If I’m not mistaken, the carving is definitely not a Mystical Dragon Jade. It doesn’t have some amazing energy within

all treasures birthed from

Mystical Dragon Jade could help in a martial artist’s training, it had to be because it had incredibly strong spiritual energy inside. A martial artist would be able to continuously absorb

carving. There was no way it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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