Chapter 1449

“Mister Wolf, thank you. This is all thanks to you. If you didn’t stop me from bidding in time, I might have been the one holding that fake jade,” Raphael said with gratitude.

He regretted bringing Leon over, but at that moment, he was incredibly thankful. He felt like it was a brilliant idea to ask Leon for help!

Leon was incredibly useful at the key moment!

“Mister Westwood, you’re being too polite. The two of us are friends. It’s the least I can do,” Leon said with a smile.

“You’re right, we’re friends!” Raphael laughed and said.

Thanks to Leon’s reminder, he managed to avoid a scam, and his bitter rival, Seth, fell for it instead. Seth spent an astronomical sum of 215 million dollars on a trash Golden Thread Jade!

as happy as he could get!


expression, Seth had an incredibly

ignorant. He laughed at Leon for being an idiot, yet in

the Golans. How was he

that made

you so proud of yourself just now? Why aren’t you

questions. Now that the tides were

could do about it. After that, he remembered the main

auction a fake like this? Are you toying with us on purpose?!” Seth glared.

guess that it was all possibly a scam set up but he Black Gorilla!

how dare you talk to him like this?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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