Chapter 1457

“No need! Mister Westwood, I already said earlier. Trash like him is beneath me! Don’t worry, just leave it to me. I’ll deal with him!” Leon patted Raphael on the shoulder and said.


Raphael was quite frustrated after hearing that.

Even though he did not know how strong Leon was, he felt like it was an easy guess.

With Leon being so distantly related to the Scammells, it would already be amazing if he was a Supreme Master!

That was a complete gulf from the Overlord State!

He did not know where Leon got the courage to provoke Seth like that!

“Good, very good! Brat, since you want to die, I’ll grant you your wish!”

that, he charged forward with a punch of immense power, attacking Leon and Raphael.

advanced and immediately went


sharp glint in his eyes.

well–regarded as Raphael was no match for him. There was no way he would bother with someone as

face him head–on. It

he increased the power of his attack, summoning out his full strength to deal with Leon in

done for

but he insisted on provoking Seth. he

sighed. Not a single person thought Leon

them was among

was obvious who was

for them to see that Leon would not be able to take

“Mister Wolf, why?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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