Chapter 1459

“It’s nothing, I’m just a bit luckier than usual,” Leon laughed dryly, but his expression turned serious.

Treasures were something every martial artist sought. It would be very easy for others to want to take it from him!

Everyone realized that the Luminous Pearl was a treasure. It would only serve to harm him. He was quite frustrated, but there was nothing he could do!

At that moment, Seth already stood up while holding back the pain in his chest.

“Brat, hurry up and hand the treasure over. I’ll consider letting you off! Otherwise, I’ll make sure you die today!” Seth said coldly. There was a look of greed in his eyes.

“Just trash like you? What a joke!” Leon laughed in frustration.

was forced to abandon his attacks on Seth

that he was lucky to be

Seth got the

be so arrogant! Earlier, you just used a sneak attack to defeat me! I’ve already seen through your tricks. It’ll be easy for me to defeat you

weaker than him in terms of speed and power even though he was not able to figure out how

too strange. He only

felt like it would be easy for him to defeat Leon as long

is that so? Go ahead and come for me then!” Leon smiled in disdain. After that, he kept

He wasted no time in raising his fist and charging at Leon with

with his

happened earlier, Seth no longer dared to face Leon head–on. He


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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