Chapter 1462

“Brat, are you scared now? I’ll give you one last chance. If you know your place, then hand over that pearl. After that, break one of your arms and apologize. I’ll consider sparing your life then! If you don’t, then the Golans will bury you alive!”

When he saw that Leon fell silent, Seth assumed that Leon was afraid of this family. So, he suddenly regained his spirit and his earlier arrogance!

“Afraid? Your tiny family isn’t worthy of making me feel afraid! I’ll be breaking your legs today. No one can save you!” Leon said coldly. After that, he wasted no time kicking at Seth’s legs viciously.

“No!” Seth was completely terrified.

He never expected Leon to not be afraid of his family’s name and power at all. On top of that, he was heavily injured. He had no way of avoiding the attack. All he could do was stare as Leon attacked him.

“Brat, don’t think we’ll let you do that!”

that moment, Seth’s guards immediately started to attack Leon from the back, trying to force

guards behind him as he


could be heard. Seth let out a shriek as his leg was snapped by Leon just like that. He immediately collapsed on the

the same time, Leon turned around and struck out with both his fists, using Double Attack at the same time at the two guards.

two guards were merely there to accompany Seth. They were not experts from the family. They were only Advanced Supreme Masters, which meant they were no

Bang! Bang!

were sent flying several meters away, falling to the

sure to rip you apart,” Seth clenched his teeth at the pain coming from his legs as he looked at Leon with venomous

scoffed, kicking Seth on


clear sound of bone cracking was heard once again. Seth was in immense pain as he fainted on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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