Chapter 1466

“What? Mister Wolf, did you go crazy?!” Raphael was stunned, not believing his ears.

He just witnessed the Black Gorilla injuring Leon so casually. It was obvious that Leon was no match for the man at all!

Yet, something seemed to be wrong with Leon. Even clearly knowing that he was no match, Leon wanted to face the man head–on!

Was that not suicide?!

Of course, he was not the only one who was shocked. The remaining scions around the place were two. All of them looked at Leon like an idiot, not knowing where Leon got the courage to challenge someone at the Emperor State!

“What an arrogant brat! Let’s see how you plan on getting rid of me!” Black Gorilla was completely angered by Leon’s words.

black market, I’ll make sure you’re safely escorted out.

telling you that Mister Wolf’s treasure is very useful to the Thompsons! If you retreat right now, I can act as if nothing happened. Otherwise, I’ll make sure the Thompsons will deal with the black

be afraid of them, but the southern Boss isn’t! I’m warning you. If you don’t give way, then I won’t hold back against you!” The Black Gorilla said coldly. After that, he summoned up his true energy in secret, planning on attacking Raphael and Leon at any

anyway. As long as he did not threaten Raphael’s life, then the Thompsons would probably not be able to

Raphael’s expression soured.

to not even care about the Thompsons for the

not know what

How arrogant!” At that moment,

that, a man about thirty years of age walked in


were one of the major families of the Southern region and were also the strongest among the major families. They stood

take a step back when faced with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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