Chapter 1473

“Um, to be honest with you, Mister Thompson, a treasure that harnessed Light Energy will indeed be useful against your sister’s illness, but unfortunately, this Luminous Pearl of mine doesn’t harness any Light Energy at all. It won’t be of use to you even if I lend it to you,” Leon replied truthfully.

According to his knowledge, the Luminous Pearl that he got his hands on was an ancient relic that could aid him in his sage arts and martial arts training, but not a piece of treasure with Light Energy at all!

He was not lying to Yuri at all.

“That’s impossible! Mister Wolf, the true energy contained within this Luminous Pearl is so powerful–it must certainly harness Light Energy! Have you made a mistake?” Raphael was stunned to hear this.

pure energy within the Luminous Pearl back when Leon triggered it, but truth be told, even he was not certain whether the

refusing to lend it to me because you’re worried the Thompsons might steal your treasure?” Yuri was beginning to wonder whether this was just

Leon sighed. He intended to explain further, but Yuri jumped to conclusions and refused to listen to

leave you alone! We Thompsons can always get our hands on another piece of treasure!”

was to get his hands on the Luminous Pearl to help his sister, the Thompsons were a prestigious family after all, and Yuri was not willing to utilize force or violence to steal anyone’s treasure

would never be able to do that, considering how poorly it would

not need to rush to find a cure. He knew that the Thompsons would surely find another way to get their hands on the treasure needed to cure

cure your sister’s disease. Perhaps I can find a way to help her!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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