Chapter 1577

Thompson Mansion.

Since the plan to trap Asmodeus failed miserably, the Thompsons‘ team of martial artists, which included Angus himself, finally returned home.

At this moment, Arthur and the rest of the Thompsons, including Vivian and Yuri, were waiting in the living. room anxiously for news of Angus‘ return.

Now that it was three hours since Roanne’s kidnapping, Vivian was worried sick about the lack of news from Angus‘ side, and could barely keep herself still.

“Thud, thud, thud-”

All of a sudden, footsteps rang out as Angus and the rest of the martial artists finally returned.

on now, Angus? Where’s Roanne? Did you manage to save her?” Vivian was the first to approach them nervously at the sight of her husband.

head, and there was not

felt as though she was struck by lightning. All her hope seemed to disintegrate with that one

out beneath her, and her vision went dark as she crumpled to the

managed to catch her just in time.

can this be Angus? Didn’t you say you’d be able to save Roanne? Why aren’t you saving her now? why didn’t you manage to save her?” Vivian grabbed hold of her husband, her eyes brimming

initially thought that Asmodeus would never stand a chance against them, considering that with the other families‘

people emerged out of nowhere

make? Will your apology bring Roanne back? Now that Asmodeus has escaped, what will happen to my

His heart sank at the realization that he did not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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