Chapter 1585

“Alright, that’s settled! I’ll buy out a cosmeceutical company as soon as I can, and once I do so, I’ll get in touch with you so we can sort out the details,” Angus said solemnly.

“No problem! If there’s nothing else you want to discuss, Mister Thompson, I’ll be off now.” Leon bade them goodbye and left the mansion, on his way back to collect Asmodeus‘ body to hand over to the Dragon Corps.

Meanwhile, in the Black Market, Charlie arrived frantically and met up with the Black Gorilla in a VIP room at the back of the building.

“Have you heard of Asmodeus barging into the Thompsons‘ place and kidnapping their daughter from right under their noses?” Charlie asked.

help of many other major families to search for Roanne as soon as she went

to evade the Thompsons‘ capture and has disappeared where no one can find him,” the Black Gorilla added.

escape. He’s talented! I’m sure the Thompsons must be absolutely sick with worry now!” Charlie snickered triumphantly. Although the Thompsons and the Martells were not enemies, the Martells worked with the Southern Boss, and considering the Southern Boss did not get along with the Thompsons, it was natural that the Martells hated their guts too!

entirely Asmodeus‘ doing. His majesty Southern Boss should get credit too!” the Black Gorilla exclaimed, a glimmer of malice flashing through his

Southern Boss was so ashamed when he found out about the Black Gorilla’s unpleasant encounter with Yuri, and at that time, he overheard the Southern Boss talking to his son about sending someone to punish

the fact that Asmodeus struck at

he heard, the reason Asmodeus managed to evade the Thompsons‘ capture was that he had someone secretly helping him, and it would not be too hard to guess that the Southern Boss was probably behind

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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