The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 1619

Snow, I agree with Leon, actually. Mister Thompson seems to like you and you can always try going on a date with him,Iris joined the conversation when she saw Leon struggling.

Are you two ganging up on me? If that’s how you see it, why didn’t you consider dating Anson Collins when he clearly liked you and was constantly trying to pursue you?Snow questioned impatiently.

I love Leon, not Anson. Of course, I can’t accept him!Iris rolled her eyes.

It’s the same for me! You can’t make others do something that you can’t accept yourself,Snow retorted mercilessly.

Same? Are you saying that you like Leon as well?

Both Ruth and Cynthia gasped.

Mister Thompson. I don’t have any feelings for him, so why should I even try going on a date with him? Just stop trying to talk me into it! It


out on this opportunity, you might never find another man as talented and capable as

none of your concern! You should mind your own business! I’m warning you. If you let Cynthia slip away, you will regret it for the rest of your life!”

Whatever. Do as you please!” Leon

knew that one could not force themselves to love someone, and since Snow did not have feelings for

It’s getting late. Let’s have dinner!”

discussion ceased, and the five headed to the dining

and started training with the aid of the Spiritual Pearl like they had done the past

powerful, and after a few days of hard work, they had all made progress in their training.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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