Chapter 1658

“This is great!”

“Leon’s really amazing!”

After the shock, Patrick, Damian, and the others burst into cheers of joy.

Earlier, Iris and Roanne insisted that Leon was powerful, but they were so sure the girls were driven into a desperate state of hope.

They finally realized that the girls had been right the whole time. They had underestimated Leon and Leon’s skills!

“How…could this happen?”

Charlie’s face darkened at the sight.

experts at the intermediate Emperor State to deal with

They were considered quite strong in the whole Southern Region, and yet…the two experts had been defeated by someone as young

not understand how Leon did it.

important part was the fact that Charlie was left without any protection since Bill and


not your turn,” Leon said coldly as he walked

took felt like a heavy hammer hitting

do?” Charlie’s expression changed

cripple you today for justice, and

line staging a coup, as well as the reason why Patrick and Damian were injured. He had to make Charlie

H–How dare you?!” Charlie was scared

out soon enough if I dare to,”

that, he wasted no time and swung

come near!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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