Chapter 1666

“Young Master Spears, why are you here?”

Linus had an elated look on his face at Rodney’s appearance, and he hurried over.

“I just got the news that Charlie’s plan failed, so I came over here to see the situation,” Rodney said coldly.

The Spears had tried to help the second line of descendants of the Scammells because they were after Cynthion Group and their Energy Nurturing Pills.

Since the Energy Nurturing Pills were so important, he had already arranged for his men to keep an eye on Charlie.

So, he immediately got the news that Charlie’s plan to help Rick had failed.

So, he brought his men and hurried over instantly!

Spears, I failed to do things properly, please forgive

fine! With the Thompsons in the fray, it’s normal for things to

already did his best,

you for your generosity, Young

a heavy burden was lifted

by them. You have to

well. I’ll make sure to get Cynthion Group! It doesn’t matter that we’ve lost out for the moment,

happening seemed to be the case as well. Even though

Guardians over. With their immense skills,

not worried

talk!” Leon walked forward with a

Rodney said with a

the exact details of what had happened, nor did he know

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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