Chapter 1668

“Impossible! You bad guys won’t be allowed to hurt Leon!”

At that moment, Roanne walked over. There was an incredibly firm tone to her voice.

“Little girl, who are you?”

Rodney was amazed when he saw Roanne with her stunning looks.

He had met many kinds of top beauties before, but it was his first time ever meeting a pure and absolute beauty like Roanne!

The moment he saw her, he felt incredibly captivated!

“Young Master Spears, she’s Roanne Thompson…

Charlie explained who Roanne was.

So she’s

shocked. He stared at Roanne’s stunning

seen Roanne before, he had heard that Roanne’s looks were

her beauty lived

only that, as he thought about Roanne’s beauty, he quickly saw Iris and Snow, who

there be so many beauties within the

Rodney was completely shocked!

thought that Roanne’s beauty was already so

Snow were just as peerlessly beautiful as Roanne was.

like an immortal fairy. Her cold and noble

was obvious how

had experienced a lot in his

personal matter between me and Leon. It has nothing to do with the Thompsons. Are you

was a direct descendant of the Thompsons. She was much

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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