Chapter 1671

“The Dragon Corps are here?” Both the Fifth and Sixth Guardians were stunned to hear this. Although they were both renowned figures of the Gangster World and were not at all afraid of the Dragon Corps, these men worked for the country, and the government was not an enemy one would like to have.

No matter how ruthless they were, neither of them had the guts to commit murder right in front of the Dragon Corps – it would be equivalent to committing suicide!

At the thought of this, they pulled their energy back and retreated as fast as their legs could take them.

Seeing that the two Guardians had retreated upon hearing of the Dragon Corps‘ arrival, Leon took a step back as well. Out of fear that the Potential Energy Force would accidentally strike John by mistake, he paused in the middle of drawing out his Potential Energy Force and tried to make sense of the situation before committing to anything.

“That’s strange. Why would the Dragon Corps suddenly appear?” Rodney’s expression darkened when he caught sight of Oliver and Abraham making their way toward them.

Ever since the Black Gorilla got caught and the Dragon Corps sealed off one of the Spears‘ properties for. investigation, Rodney and his father realized that the Dragon Corps was probably keeping a close eye on them now!

get rid of the Scammells‘ direct descendants instead of choosing to do

they never expected that the Dragon Corps would still show up at

twist of events. However, he was not the only one surprised by

close to victory they could practically taste it, so why

had come to aid them were none other than Oliver and Abraham – two

news to

bad feeling arose

overjoyed to hear that the Dragon Corps had come to their aid. They were beaming from ear to ear, and although none of them knew

dare to touch even a

news they had gotten in a long time, and one could

“Thud! Thud! Thud!”

thoughts, Oliver and Abraham finally made their way to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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