Chapter 1682

“This is splendid! I can’t believe that this Thousand Gods Method is turning out to be the real deal!” Patrick was absolutely overjoyed at this. Training methods belonging to the Ultimate Power class were hard to come by in the Southern region, and many ancient families longed to get their hands on something like this!

Fortunately, the Scammells were hit with a stroke of luck that blessed them with the Thousand Gods Method, and it was all because of Leon!

Although Patrick was a wise man who had seen plenty during his time, he still could not help but get excited over the prospect of this amazing treasure, and could no longer remain calm!

“Grandpa, please stay calm. Don’t get distracted…” Leon quickly warned him. Then, he firmly pressed his palm against Patrick’s back, channeling his energy into Patrick’s body to attempt to calm his surging energy. He was concerned that Patrick would lose control of his emotions and subsequently, his power!

Since Patrick had already begun to undergo some change in his power level, even a brief moment of distraction would cause his rippling energy to break through his defenses and wreak havoc!

time and managed to suppress Patrick’s roaring energy with his

a deep breath and resumed

a long time, Patrick finally seized an

had already attained the Initial Emperor State a few years ago, and after some intensive training, he was now not too far off from advancing to the Intermediate Emperor State. However, the training methods of the Basic Power class usually only allowed the warrior to rise until the Initial Emperor State, and

the Basic Power class, Patrick could not break through his plateau and attain the

managed to crash through the ceiling and come out the other side.

amazing! I can’t believe I finally managed to break through after so many years of being stuck in the same place!”

Grandpa!” Leon said,

a valuable present to me. I don’t even know

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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