Chapter 1715


Willie wailed and paled at the agonizing pain in his leg as he struggled to remain conscious.

“Why you!”

Crowley and Wade gritted their teeth in rage as they watched Ruth break Willie’s leg.

“Wench, you better stop now, or I’ll make sure that you and Leon die screaming today!” Crowley gritted out. maliciously.

that so? I’m excited to see what you can

strength, especially with the powerful Potential Energy Forces he had, so she had no fear for Crowley’s threats


both of Willie’s legs and avenged what he did to her; Ruth was

twisting in misery and

going to kill you!” Wade glared daggers at Ruth.

and Ruth broke Willie’s legs mercilessly, which was something he could not tolerate as a father. He took

Leon let Willie go?” Crowley turned his

let Willie go when asked to do so, so he could

of the Scammells and as a relative of the Scammells, Leon was supposed to obey Patrick’s order and would not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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