Chapter 1731

“What? So you added blood sage and motherworts inside!” Leon was shocked. After that, he pinched up a bit of the Deadly Veratrum poison on his body to observe it, quickly seeing that there was added blood sage and motherworts.

Veratrum poison had Veratrum inside, it was something that both reacted against and enhanced the sage.

With the blood sage working with the Veratrum and against it, it can quickly trigger the poison within the Veratrum poison!

As for the motherwort, it was quite a rare and valuable spiritual herb. It was also a dark and cold herb.

If used in medicine, it was an amazing herb that could save the lives of many!

However, when applied to poison, the motherwort was able to increase the poisonous properties of the Veratrum poison tenfold, causing the blood to choke up the body, becoming fatal!

added motherwort and blood sage?” Crowley was

knew many of his products like the back

for two years, and only found out not too long ago that adding blood sage and motherworts could

since two additional ingredients were added to make it so potent, he called

he made by enhancing Veratrum poison. He only created

to figure out he added motherwort and

far exceeded

care how you found out! Now that you’ve already been hit by the poison, there’s no cure for you! Just quietly wait for

after, and the Libertons only managed to obtain it half a

he failed a few times during his research, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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