Chapter 1758

“Brat, how dare you act so arrogantly in Hughes territory! I’m warning you, let him go right now, or we won’t hold back!” Norin and Nolan shouted out angrily, their expressions were murderous.

“You’re expecting me to let him off? It’s not that I can’t!” Leon thought about it, and let Gordon go.

The two Emperor State experts from the Hughes were quite strong. Even though it was no threat to him, it was still not going to be easy!

He planned on letting Gordon go for now, and seeing what would happen!


Norin and Nolan were both stunned. They exchanged looks of surprise with each other.

It was obvious that the two of them never expected that Leon would let Gordon go!

It completely stunned them just from the surprise alone!

Of course, they were not the only ones who were stunned. Gordon was as well. He did not expect Leon to let him go so easily!

he was

that Leon would regret

I’m finally safe!” Gordon celebrated, finally breathing

how strong the two of them were. They were

of them with him, he felt a lot

Hurry up and capture him so I can teach him

acknowledged the order

based on what you said.


were taken aback. They found it hard

Gordon off easily,

after that, it would

injured me. He can’t be forgiven! Even if he let me go, that’s

“Yes, you’re right!”

Hughes territory. You have

to throw your power around now?!” Leon

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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