Chapter 1766

“Mister Hughes, you’re too kind,” Leon said calmly.

Even though he hated Gordon, Darius was much more friendly, so he had a decent impression of Darius.

“Mister Wolf, our family is at fault for what happened today. We’ve wronged you. Please forgive us,” Darius said.

After that, he looked over at Gordon behind him with a cold expression. He shouted, “Gordon, hurry up and apologize to Mister Wolf and the rest of them. Make sure you get him to forgive you!”

“Ah, yes,” Gordon was shocked. He hurriedly got up, and no longer looked as arrogant as he did before.

“Wait! Mister Hughes, if you let him just settle this with an apology, you’d be letting him off too easily!” Leon said seriously.

Mister Wolf, how do you want to settle this?” Darius asked.

about it

wanted to break Gordon’s legs as revenge for

quite kind and seemed to

not make things too hard for Darius. He could not

you’ve been good to us, just have him kneel and apologize to Snow. Make


was shocked at

was still married

apologize was a slap to Darius’s face and

Mister Wolf, your request is crossing the line a bit!”

the major families in the Southern

apologize, then the Hughes would be

he could agree to

it comes to crossing the line,

say that?” Darius said with a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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