Chapter 1774

Leon and Snow entered the guest lounge to meet with the president of Zeller Group, Julianna Song.

Julianna was a young, charming woman about Snow’s age, and not to mention she was easy on the eyes as well.

“Julianna, it’s you!” Snow was stunned to see her.

“Snow, what are you doing here?” Julianna was just as surprised to see her here.

“Oh, I’m the presidential assistant of Elegante Group,” Snow replied.

Julianna stepped forward and grabbed hold of Snow’s arm in excitement, “It’s so great to

years, hasn’t it?” Snow

guys know each other?” Leon was puzzled to see how close they appeared to be, even

region of Sky County, and Julianna was her classmate and roommate at that time. They were always close, but unfortunately, they lost touch

encounter with Gordon, he now knew that Snow went to college in Sky County, and thus was

This is our president, Mister Leon Wolf,” Snow introduced them to each

I’m Julianna Song, president of Zeller

Song. Please, sit.” Leon smiled, then gestured

but I intend to discuss the prospects of becoming a proxy agent for Elegante Group. I have here a folder of information regarding Zeller Group. Please feel free to flip through,” Julianna

Leon could not help beaming as he scanned through the documents

in the Southern region the opportunity to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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