"Okay, you said it yourself! They're meeting in the booth just upstairs. I'll bring you guys along!" Timothy said, sneering before Leon could even answer. It was as though he was worried that Leon and Snow would change their minds.

"What are you doing, Timothy? Are you trying to deliberately embarrass Snow and President Wolf?" Julianna exclaimed. The truth was, she had to admit that Timothy was right—it was unlikely that Leon and Snow were truly capable of doing what they claimed.

It was one thing to brag about something that was not true—she could easily let this slide, but she could not believe that Timothy was taking it too far and going to great lengths to embarrass Snow and Leon!

His insistence on bringing them along to the meeting with the president of Cynthion Group made it clear that he wanted to humiliate them in public!

This was getting out of hand!

Timothy said nonchalantly. One thing was clear—every proxy distributor in the Southern region wanted to hop on the Cynthion Group bandwagon, and

them along to the

would likely place Zeller Group as the priority when deciding which


who asked for this, so you'd better

at the end of this! Come on, Leon!" Snow sneered, then followed Timothy

choice but to

were descendants of some of the most powerful

offers to the president of Cynthion Group, Cynthia Shear, to become

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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