"Of course I know him! How could I not, when he's the president of Cynthion Group itself?" Cynthia replied solemnly, revealing Leon's true identity once and for all.

"What? He's the president of Cynthion Group? How's this possible?" Cynthia's statement was undoubtedly the most shocking thing Timothy and the other men heard that day.

Timothy was the most astonished of all—his entire body froze as though he was struck by lightning.

Up until now, he was under the impression that Leon and Snow were just bragging incessantly, and he never once imagined that not only did they tell the truth, but Leon would even turn out to be the famed president of Cynthion Group himself!

This was unbelievable!

"President Shear, are you mistaken? He's just the president of a newly established cosmeceutical company here, so how can he possibly also be the president of Cynthion Group?" Timothy was still unwilling to believe his ears.

anyone—possibly commit such an idiotic mistake?" Cynthia replied sharply, displeased at being

sank at

absolute disbelief. They finally realized that

open up a proprietorship all of a sudden? Why was I not aware of this?" Leon asked, ignoring


Southern Region, it was only an eventuality that they

millions of Energy Nurturing Pills a while ago, they finally resolved the issue of insufficient supply here in the Southern region, and this was why Cynthia decided to open up the Energy Nurturing Pills

the other regions of Sky County, and if Cynthion Group could find someone reliable to work with, they could export the Energy

was not too familiar with the candidates of proxy distributors available, and so she accepted their invitation

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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