"You!" Timothy's expression was dark when he heard this, but he knew that they were right.

After all, they were just spitting facts—he indeed cost himself a valuable opportunity by being arrogant and disrespectful!

"Well, let's not deal with that idiot anymore! Since President Wolf has already said that he'll consider opening up the sole proprietorship again in the future, let's go home and prepare for this so that we might stand a chance again in the future!"

"I agree. Let's go!"

The men all cast final glances of contempt in Timothy's direction before leaving.

Soon, the only people who remained were Timothy and Julianna.

they would eventually need to offer up sole proprietorship of their products, and when

the other hand, lost his one chance of winning over Cynthion

could only imagine his remorse

warned you many times that you should be more down to earth, but you refused to listen to me! If you took my advice earlier and treated President Wolf and Snow with respect, we could've gotten our hands on Cynthion Group's proprietorship by now!"

she could not deny the fact that doing so would bring Zeller

such a valuable opportunity even when it

understanding as she was, she still could not help

Julianna, but it's too late. There's

as you recognize your mistake and try your best to change, we still stand a

fighting chance of winning over Cynthion Group?" Timothy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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