Chapter 1819

“Treasure? Can that be how he managed to defeat me?” Joel was shocked but felt that he saw clarity at the same time.

Leon fell short in speed and explosive power compared to him and it baffled him as to how Leon managed to defeat him.

Realization dawned on him that Leon might have won by relying on the treasure he owned as there seemed to be no other possibility.

“I think so!” Seth misled himself into thinking that Leon defeated Joel with the help of the Spiritual Pearl.

Leon succeeded with the help of the Mirror of

were extremely scarce and anyone would be lucky to come across one, so neither of them could

of treasure, countless people will be going after him for it! Even with the Thompsons to back him up, his demise will be inevitable!’

easy target for anyone. Once people grouped to attack him, even the Thompsons would struggle to protect him; that way, they could eliminate Leon without

others know about it!’ Joel

Seth was

If others find out about the treasure,

know the classification of the Spiritual Pearl for certain but assumed that it had to be in the

would be. Since Leon was only in the Peak Overlord State, it was likely that he did not utilize the full potential of the weapon and it might wield far

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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