Chapter 1822

“Mister Golan, I’m telling the truth. Please believe me! Besides, why would I mislead you on purpose? What do I have to gain?” Gordon argued.

“Well,* Seth paused and exchanged confused looks with Joel.

The two of them were certain that Gordon misled them on purpose, but since Gordon had no personal grudge against them, there seemed to be no reason for him to do such a thing unless he had a death wish.

“Are you telling the truth, Gordon?” Joel asked.

“Of course!” Gordon said sincerely.

and Seth ended up being defeated by Leon instead; hence, it was

this time!* Joel said, the dark expression on

sighed a breath of

you have to help me take Leon and Elegante Group down!”

Leon is connected to the Thompsons, how can I possibly have the ability to take him

He smiled bitterly.

happened with Snow and being

office, so he would love to get rid of Leon if it

was simply far too powerful, to the extent that even Joel and Seth were defeated by him. As a distant relative of the Hughes who could not hold a candle to Joel in terms of status and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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