Chapter 1827

In the bedroom, Leon took out a few premium Energy Nurturing Pills, and each one of them took one.

He then took out the Spiritual Pearl and let it float in the air as it oozed powerful true and spiritual energy.

Once everything was in place, they all sat on the ground and began to focus on their training.

Meanwhile, Leon already reached the Intermediate Supreme State in martial art, while Cynthia and Snow were in the Advanced Supreme State; Iris was the weakest among them and was only in the Initial Supreme State.

be considered impressive in Springfield City, they were practically defenseless in the

the Spiritual Pearl, they were growing stronger and quicker than ordinary martial artists. Since they were all hard-working, they made progress in the past few days and were all close to a

as the four of them continued to work on their power, they would

Leon completed his training and

training, he took out the Cuff of Doom and

Doom was an Almighty Weapon that contain power in the Intermediate Almighty State, but only three strikes could

at the Intermediate Almighty State and started working

past days, the time required to accumulate

with the Spiritual Pearl’s enormous supply of spiritual energy, he needed a month to produce a single strike; after gaining more power, he only needed twenty days to accumulate a strike at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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